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In Matthew 27:43 the religious leaders taunted Jesus while He was dying, surely to convince themselves that they were right and He was wrong—an impostor. An adverb they used caught my attention: “… He has and remains persuaded by God; let Him rescue Him NOW if He wants Him …”

Hmmm. How often in the Bible did God ever rescue anyone NOW!? Abraham was 99 before Isaac was born, Joseph was in prison two years before the butler remembered him to Pharaoh. Israel was 430 years in Egypt (and another 40 in the wilderness), Lazarus was dead many days before Jesus came, and the apostles cried out that they were perishing before Jesus awoke to calm the storm. Is it corrupt human nature that wants all it desires and wants it now? Does God know that the only cure for such a human nature is to exhaust it, while at the same time regenerating, inspiring, and raising up a believing (honest about dependence) soul?

The word “wait” occurs 183 times in the RSV translation of the Bible, 23 times in the Psalms. Many benefits flow from being still before the Lord and waiting patiently for Him, delighting in Him who gives us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4, 7).

We know a lot about God the Father and God the Son, precisely because Jesus waited on Him, and rose the third day, “according to the scriptures.”

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