
If you would like to consult these resources for your own benefit, please do so freely. If you would like to use these studies for a group or as part of your ministry, please consider a donation before you download and reproduce.

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Check out this slideshow used in Dr. Eschelbach’s World Religions presentation given at Best Practices in Ministry:

The One Year® Bible is an extraordinarily helpful resource; first, because it is the Bible; second, because organizing the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs into readings for each day of the year makes a daily life in the Word simple; no wondering what to read today or guilt about missing or falling behind – just reading what is assigned for today!

I have written a study guide for many (but not all) of the days of the year for the One Year® Bible. If you would like to consult these studies for your own benefit, please do so freely. If you would like to use these studies for a group or as part of your ministry, please consider a donation before you download and reproduce.

Click here to open WWW One Year Bible Studies

Media is a window into the hearts and minds of people in their culture. Movies are evidence of what people are struggling with, what they are wishing or hoping for, and always have parallels in the Bible. “Cinema Sophia” is the name of Prof. Eschelbach’s ongoing project of watching movies with students and discussing the importance of them. Here are study questions (and often study questions with answers) based on those viewings/discussions. You may use them if you would find them helpful to yourself or your ministry. If you download them for use, please reference where you obtained them, Prof. Eschelbach as the author, and consider making a donation to Word Without Walls for the help the movie study provides.

A Triumph of Love

All of Me


Babette’s Feast

Batman Begins

Big Man on Campus

Boondock Saints

Bruce Almighty

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Chronicles of Narnia




Dead Poets Society

Deja Vu

Devil’s Advocate

Edward Scissorhands

Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Fight Club

Finding Neverland

Ghost Rider

Gran Torino

My Big Fat Greek Wedding


Hotel Rwanda

The Hunt for Red October

The Incredibles


Major Payne

The Matrix

Muppet Treasure Island

Napoleon Dynamite

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Pirates of the Caribbean

Princess Bride

Secondhand Lions

Speed Racer


The Ultimate Gift

The Usual Suspects

V for Vendetta

Young Frankenstein