Podcast: Matthew 10:1-15

This past Sunday’s emphasis on prayer reminds us of Jesus’ command that we pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest. Podcast Episode 76 begins our consideration of Matthew 10 which is all about Jesus commissioning 12 of His disciples to be apostles (“sent ones”) with authority to extend His kingdom and power to authenticate their commission and the nature of Christ’s kingdom by healing the sick and casting out demons. God bless us in His kingdom of love and bless us to pray diligently for laborers and labor in His kingdom ourselves as ambassadors.

Bible Study – Matthew 10:1-15 Jesus commissions the 12 apostles

What is the difference between a disciple and an apostle? What kind of power did Jesus give His apostles and for what purpose? How would the apostles demonstrate their own honesty about dependence on the dependability and all-providing nature of God and His kingdom?

What is the difference between a disciple and an apostle? What kind of power did Jesus give His apostles and for what purpose? How would the apostles demonstrate their own honesty about dependence on the dependability and all-providing nature of God and His kingdom?

All of Matthew 10 is concerned with the life of the apostles and ultimately indicative of our lives as ambassadors for Christ and His kingdom.

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